Get Work Done with OneDesk, All-In-One Social Business Software

To be successful, businesses need to ensure tight collaboration between internal team members, external business partners, and customers.

However, if collaboration is unstructured, this can lead to a chain of unfavorable consequences – losing time, misunderstandings, lost information, inaccurate cost estimates, and more.

In today’s increasingly competitive business world, it’s important for businesses to make sure all their processes go as smoothly as possible, and that they deliver products or services that win in the marketplace. The catch is, that they must beat their competitors to it.

Hence, I would like to introduce you to OneDesk, a solution suite that helps companies get work done more effectively.

OneDesk is based on the idea that all stakeholders should be on the same page at all times. Real-time collaborative editing, an instant activity stream, and real-time chats and discussion forums facilitate this.

Designed for every role, the cloud-based application helps companies leverage social product development, co-creation, and customer-driven innovation, and get their product-to-market faster.  Its suite of interconnected applications includes customer feedback management, innovation and ideas management, help desk, requirements management, project management, product roadmapping, and issue tracking.

OneDesk also comes with a unique customer portal that companies can embed into their website or simply send customers a link. Customers can then submit ideas, questions, problems and compliments directly to the company’s OneDesk account. Customers can also vote on other customer’s ideas, answer polls companies create and start discussions with the company, or with other customers in order to elaborate on their feedback.

Companies can use the built-in social media monitoring tool, to search for what customers are saying about their brands on Facebook, Twitter, and blog. They can then tag social media comments and bring them into OneDesk as feedback, ideas, problems, questions, leads, and  compliments.

Companies can also forward emails or ask customers to send emails directly to their OneDesk email addresses.

The beauty of OneDesk is that it allows companies to involve customers and external business partners into the development process and to capture feedback that would otherwise have gotten lost, into one place. Once in the system, items can be turned into requirements, which can then be analysed based on metrics that are important to the company.

Requirements can then be turned into tasks and assigned to the appropriate person to be worked on.

Companies can also choose to keep customers and employees updated on any item’s status. When they update an item’s lifecycle status in OneDesk, that status is automatically reflected in the customer portal.

OneDesk’s pre-configured (and modifiable) automated workflows helps minimize manual work and errors.

With the issues and tasks applications, organizations can use Agile project management to resolve issues and defects.

Transparent product roadmaps are built from inputs across the platform, from ideas and issues to requirements, tasks, resources, and costs. A quick glance at the roadmaps you create helps with decision-making.

OneDesk is a very robust product platform that consists of comprehensive tools. Interested individuals are encouraged to try the free version of the application which gives them full access to all of OneDesk’s tools and applications. The OneDesk team is always available and ready to answer any questions and guide users through the software.

Kimberley Chan is a Marketing Specialist at OneDesk Inc. She is also a regular blogger on OneDesk’s blog where she provides insight to organizations as to how they can use the latest social technologies to build a stronger business and drive innovation. Follow her company on Twitter @OneDesk app to learn more.

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.

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