Top 5 office productivity open source software

We have all heard about open-source software. Whenever an organization has a tight budget and can’t afford to spend much investing in proprietary software, the management would opt for free open-source software.

There are a few reasons why open source software is preferred by some organizations:

  • Freedom and ability to enhance and customize the software provided the same copyright is maintained.
  • Low in cost. No such thing as Client Access Licenses fees. The only thing you spend on is the hardware to host the software plus a programmer’s time to enhance and install the software.
  • Usually, no payment is required by the developers when an upgrade to the software is released.

If your organization is considering going open source, the following are five (5) good and proven web-based office productivity software to implement.

OrangeHRM is a human resource management system that can be used to track various information related to human resources within an organization. With OrangeHRM, important employee details can be stored and managed.

Through a central database of employee details, you can easily find out which of your employees are about to retire and the percentage of your employees who do not have a college degree. Through this HR software, your organization can easily find out and understand the demographics of all employees through its easy to use reporting tool.

Other key functionalities within OrangeHRM include leave / absence tracking, time management through punch in / punch out and employee self-service module.

Achievo is a project management system that can be used to track all projects within an organization. Its project management module includes the management of tasks, phases, planning, activities, and resources within a project.

The time-registration module allows employees to register time on project/phase/activity combination. It’s from this module that all-time registered to a project is recorded, allowing project managers to monitor the number of hours and days spent by resources for a particular project.

Other key functionalities within Achievo includes a scheduler for scheduling purposes, project reporting with the chart, customer relationship management, etc.

SugarCRM is a customer relationship management software that can be used to track and manage all customers and sales activities within an organization.

With SugarCRM, you can track various tasks that belong to each salesperson including upcoming appointments, top opportunities, open cases, and many more.

One outstanding capability of SugarCRM is the dashboard. The dashboard is able to present four different graphs, each containing a summary of useful information. An example of a graph is all opportunities by the lead source whereby the graph lets the user know where the customers in the pipeline come from.

Epiware is a document management system that allows an organization to manage documents online effectively and reliably.

With Epiware, users can collaborate, share, and work on documents without having to worry about overwriting each other’s files. The benefit of storing documents in a centralized location enhances the organization’s knowledge base repository.

Other key functionalities of Epiware include calendaring, task management, and Gantt charts.

LimeSurvey is a survey management software that allows an organization to conduct online surveys. With over 19 types of questions to create, various types of surveys can be created. This application is a must-have for those who are still creating and running manual paper-based surveys.

With LimeSurvey, online surveys can be created without the need for HTML coding. All questions can be created by simply selecting the appropriate question types such as multiple answers and radio button single options. Online surveys can be easily activated once all questions are created.

The key capabilities include the ability to track which user has yet to respond to a survey as well as the ability to send email reminders in batches. You can be assured to obtain a much higher survey response rate with LimeSurvey.

— End —

Note that these software runs on either linux or windows, php and mysql. There you go…  our top 5 office productivity open source software for your company to benefit from. Enjoy!

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.


  • Hello,

    Thank you for pointing out OrangeHRM as one of the 5 office productivity open source software. We appreciate your support!

    Teresa Gabbert
    OrangeHRM Community Representative

  • We use LimeSurvey to conduct our online surveys. So far, the experience has been great. I’m happy to see it listed here.

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