Vehicle Accident Simulation Software

Just last week, someone asked me, how do you draw an accident report?

Then today, my brother asked me, how do you sketch a road traffic accident? Is there any accident reconstruction app available out there?

It seems people are getting into car crashes and need to look for car accident diagram templates.

Have you ever met with a car accident before? Or simply forgot to maintain your vehicle properly?

Do you find yourself describing how the car accident happened to your friends and family members when they ask you about it?

It can be tough to explain how the accident occurred verbally, but a car accident diagram shows it all.

It may not be that important to show the car accident diagram to your friends and family members but it may be useful if you need to talk to the insurance company when making a claim.

A car accident diagram also helps when making a police report.

When I had a car accident a few years back, I remember that the police officer asked me a few details on how the accident occurred while he sketched/drew the event on a piece of paper for records purposes.

There’s nothing wrong with drawing on paper, but if we want to be consistent and professional, we can make use of car accident diagram software to help depict the event.

Car crash simulation software free download

One such online web-based car crash simulation software which is free and available online for you to use is

With AccidentSketch, you can:

choose vehicle

  • Choose your vehicle details which include the type of vehicle and its color

choose opponent party vehicle

  • Choose your opponent party’s vehicle details which include the type of vehicle and its color

sample accident sketch

  • As you can see above, I drew a simple sketch of my latest car accident where I got hit at the back of my green car by a red van which caused me to hit the car in front of me.
  • On the left pane, you can select the street, vehicles, traffic signs, and drawing tools such as arrows.
  • On the middle pane is your drawing area where you just need to drag and drop the various images from the left to the middle drawing area.

another sampleThe image on the left is another sample of an accident sketch. It’s clear that the green car and the orange car collided within a car park.

There are many ways how this road diagramming online tool can be utilized. Driving schools can also use this online tool to sketch some car driving instructions for their students to look through before they actually get on the car.

To begin drawing a sketch of a vehicle accident, head on over to!

How to Draw Accident Reconstruction Diagrams and Sketches

Or use Miro’s Online Drawing / Sketching Tool

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.

1 Comment

  • As car insurance companies advise their clients never to admit liability in an accident, it is often the case that responsibility is denied in car accident claims for compensation.

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