Web based SaaS leave management system – WhosOff

The year-end is coming along and many employees are getting ready for their vacation or simply clearing off leave days. 

It is also during this period that HR people get really busy trying to manage and consolidate all the leave application forms which are eventually submitted to them, especially if the forms are hard copy papers.

About a year ago, I wrote a post on OrangeHRM’s leave management capabilities and highlighted the advantages of utilizing a web-based leave management system.

Today I would like to highlight another web-based SaaS leave management system – WhosOff

WhosOff is an online staff leave planner which allows your organization to manage staff’s leave easily and accurately.

If your organization already has an existing HRM solution but lacks the leave management feature, WhosOff will fill in the gap nicely.

A key strength of WhosOff has to be its web-based capability which allows staff to apply for leaves online where they can conveniently do so even if they are not within the office environment for cases of unplanned absences.

Once applied and approved, staffs who have taken leaves on whichever date will be reflected on the calendar for all to view.

WhosOff does not only benefit leave applicants but also the supervisors (leave approvers) as well as the HR department.

The online leave management system helps supervisors make decisions on whether or not to approve a particular leave since it allows them to view who else within their team has taken leaves as well.

Obviously, as a manager, you wouldn’t want all your staff to be away on the same day without anyone who is ready to back up the work.

For HR departments, WhosOff helps by managing all leave balances automatically within the system. No more keeping track of leave balances via papers and excel spreadsheets.

If your organization allows leave days to be carried forward to the following year, the system has a yearly carry forward tool that allows HR to easily carry forward leave days on the first calendar month of the company year.

WhosOff can also be used to generate reports which show important information such as:

  • Who has been sick for many days this year (Probably good to find out why)
  • Who hasn’t taken any leave days (Is he/she a productive worker?)
  • Who has many pending leave days (Why is his / her approver sitting on the application?)

A neat feature that was recently released is the ability for staff to apply for leaves by the hour. Without this feature, people who need to head out for just 2 hours are forced to apply for a half-day leave.

Besides applying for leave days, employees can also apply for overtime hours. Let’s say staff has indicated to his boss that he would like to work 2 hours extra from Monday to Thursday in exchange for an extra leave allocation which he plans to take on Friday, he can easily apply for it via the Overtime Submission Request page.

If your organization is still managing leave days via paper forms, I hope today’s post reveals the various advantages and benefits a web-based online leave management system can bring to your organization.

For more details, do check out WhosOff today.

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.

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