Manage projects well & ensure project success with MPMM

Today’s question to you is, have all your projects been successful, or were some bumpy and nasty rides?

If you have experienced many difficulties during project implementations, the next question to you is, did the project go through a proper project management methodology?

Every project, whether it’s a building construction project or application development project can benefit from following a standardized and proven project management method such as those from PRINCE2® and PMBOK®.

While some organizations choose to follow and practice the methods as defined by PMBOK® or Prince2®, some organizations prefer to come out with their very own methodology to distinguish themselves from the others.

Method123 Project Management Methodology, also known as MPMM is a PM methodology that is aligned with the content of PRINCE2® and PMBOK®.

I checked out MPMM and found its PM methodology simple to comprehend and easy to implement.

If one doesn’t have any prior experience in a project lifecycle, the resources from MPMM is good to begin with.

While PMBOK® and PRINCE2® resources may come in the format of hard copy books or even digital ebooks, MPMM is packaged in a nice little desktop application that includes some of the following key information:

  • Project Lifecycle (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Closure)
  • Templates (for each of the phases above)
  • Examples (for each of the phases above)
  • Tutorials (for project managers, senior managers, consultants, etc)

What I like about MPMM has got to be its templates and examples which clearly explain the various activities and steps during project implementation.

I remember once when I was given a task by my Project Manager to attempt to create a business case for one of our software development projects. I really didn’t know where to start and had much difficulty trying to cook up a business case. If only I had MPMM with me then.

Looking through MPMM’s business case template, it show’s me exactly what needs to go into a business case such as:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Business Problem
  3. Alternative Solution
  4. Recommended Solution
  5. Implementation Approach

Below is a sample screenshot of MPMM’s business case template:

As you can see in the template above, the headers are predefined and the blue text provides some guidelines on what should go into each header and its subheaders.

But sometimes, even with some guidelines, it’s still difficult to write. Luckily MPMM provides examples that lets us read how another business case was developed.

Below is a sample screenshot of a business case example:

By understanding both the templates and examples together, I’m sure writing a business case isn’t that difficult after all.

Besides providing templates and examples for all phases of a project lifecycle, with the MPMM software, you can create your very own project management methodology by adding new pages through the templates. Once done, the entire methodology can be exported to be disseminated to stakeholders.

Whether you’re a project manager or a project team member, I’m sure you can benefit from MPMM to ensure project success. The MPMM Free Trial allows you to try for 14 days without the ability to export.

About the author

Hello there! My name is Bob Lee, and I have honed my skills as a web developer and technical wordsmith, focusing on the creation and evaluation of web applications.

For more than ten years, I’ve navigated through various roles such as an entrepreneur, blogger, developer, and tech enthusiast, thoroughly enjoying each experience.

To manage time effectively, I rely on Sanebox, to intelligently organize my inbox, bringing sanity to my email management process.


  • We’re a small corporate IT department just starting to get our policies and procedures together. I read through this and this look like a great solution. Going to download the trial and see what it all has.

  • I am the sole IT guy in our company. We are an engineering company, which is very good at engineering, but leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to managing the mountains of documents (drawings, memos, emails, software licenses, etc). I am new to IT in general, and have been tasked with trying to take our current file management system (simply network drives with user control) and implement a real web-based document management system with tools for workflow, versioning, automatic filing, retention etc. I feel as if I am in over my head, and do not know where to start. I think that maybe MPMM may be a good fit for me. There are so many things to consider, and I want to make the absolute correct decision, but have never headed a project like this, or any kind of major project at all. I hope, if you still have one, would be gracious to enable me to have one of your extra licenses. I have been reading the “Software For Enterprise” emails pretty regularly, and have gotten some good ideas from them. And if you don’t have the licenses any more, please keep the emails coming. There are a lot more people out there that don’t know about them, and how helpful they can be. Keep up the good work!

  • Justin,

    Yes I still have MPMM licenses available.

    Will be sending one to you shortly.

    Thanks for your kind words. It’s good to know that you do look forward to my posts / emails.

    About being the sole IT guy in your company, I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there. It can really take over our lives. But it’s also a challenging and fun position to be in. With so many software and tools out there for us to utilize these days, I’m sure it’s all about finding the right ones, migrate some of the data and let the users get a feel of the new tool. If the users are happy and productive, everyone will be happy.

    Please let me know if you need any ideas or help, I will try my best. Let’s discuss more via email when I send you the MPMM license.

    Again, thanks for being supportive.

  • Hello, I’m tasks to implement a solid project management process in an organization. After introducing several methodologies from the standard prince2 to a more customized marriage of prince2 and pmi, none were accepted to a point of resisting from even using this.

    After going through MPMM and presented the basic processes, it seems that its simplicity had captured what the people in our organization just wanted.

    I would be appreciative if you can provide me just 1 license since I cannot afford to buy one myself and fully use MPMM and ensure that my career would have a bright future.

    Thank you in advance and hoping to hear from you.

  • Hi John,

    Yes, MPMM is indeed designed to be simple for people to easily understand, adapt and implement.

    One license goes to you.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  • Hello,

    Over a year ago I attended a Prince 2 Foundation course, willing to develop basic project management skills, however their methodology did not really appeal to me. I abandoned project management for a little while. 6 months ago, I started up a company. Running a business means dealing with a lot of things simultaneously, so time has become a very valuable asset for me. I decided to look for a slightly different Project Management methods than the one learned before, and after some research, I came across MPMM with their MPMM Pro trial software. After a week of reading, learning and analyzing documents, I know it’s a very useful methodology. It has a lot in common with Prince 2, but the approach is different and in my opinion simplified. It’s much easier to use it, and I’ve already started to put what I ‘ve learnt into practice. If you still have promotional codes, I’d be really happy to get one to get a better grip on Project Management
    You should give MPMM a try if you haven’t yet done so. It’s really good.


  • Simon,

    I’ve sent the license key to your email. Thanks for dropping by and taking time to leave comments.

  • Good Day Sir!

    I am a project manager working for a small company and was assigned to optimize our inefficient processes and policies. I’ve been reading about MPMM for some time now, and i think it’s the right methodology for our company because it’s not that tedious like CMMI, it’s easy to adapt and understand. MPMM would eliminate all the redundancies in our processes and will greatly improve the productivity of my project team. I hope you could help me and would really appreciate it if you would send me a license 🙂

    By the way, Kudos to! I’ve included it to my daily routines, reading it every day keeps me updated, keep up the good work!

  • Good day to you NJ!

    One license goes to you. Will email you shortly.

    And thanks for taking time to read articles. 🙂

  • Hello, I am curently working as a project manager and have been exploring web for various tools on effective project management. I came across MPMM, and downloaded the trial vesion for look and basic walkthough. It indeed is a great step in project management domain. The tool not only follows the industry standards, but helps all the practioners to implement them in an easy an efficient manner.

  • Hello,
    I am curently working as a project manager and have been exploring web for various tools on effective project management. I came across MPMM, and downloaded the trial vesion for Pro edition.
    It indeed is a great step in project management domain. The tool not only follows the industry standards, but helps all the practioners to implement them in an easy an efficient manner

    Please send me a license which is valid after trial days and able to activate.

    Many thanks

  • I recently joined a company and was asked to spearhead some of their projects, as I have not worked on such projects for quite some time I realized that I needed to get all the old Project Management books out but found MPMM much more suited to dealing with these projects.
    I truly trust you still have some of those licences left

  • Dear Weng
    Thank you very much for your assistance. I will keep you posted on the progress I make with my various projects.

  • I am new to the PM world (actually I am not, but I am new to the discipline of PM). I develop and manage new projects on a day to day basis. I have been looking for a good guide. I just read your post and looked at MPMM as a great source to lead me in the right direction. Are the licenses still available?

  • The final MPMM license goes to Lucas.

    Thank you all for participating and feel free to share with the rest of us on how you’ve been using MPMM to better manage your projects.

  • Hello,

    I’m currently working as an IT Program Manager. Part of my function is to design and implement Program and Project Management methodology.

    I’m a PRINCE2 certified PM so I initially drafted the methodology using this. But like other organization, I need to somehow fit the methodology in the organization wherein structured approach in project delivery is quite a mess.

    I came across MPMM and have gone through all its processes and found out that its simple and straight forward. It is exactly what my organization needs.

    I was hoping you can help me by providing 1 license since I cannot really afford buying one. This is so that I can use it to put a simple yet solid project delivery methodology that can help my company in our various IT Projects.


  • Dear Engene,

    Thanks for taking time to leave a comment but unfortunately all MPMM Pro licenses have already been given out.

    If I do have any more to give out in the future, I’ll will let you know.

    Thanks again.

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